
Version 4.24  (2024-09-04)

  • Import, export and bulk deletion of Standard formats (in the Calculation parameters window)
  • Calculation of the surface of ​​"Other planar operation" in the Part
  • Calculation of the surface of ​​the next layers of the Part
  • Other minor repairs and adjustments

Version 4.23  (2024-08-20)

  • Selection of a product from the Catalog to the Document
  • Import of the calculation price of a stock item
  • Adjustable maximum size of the cutting plan image in Automatic mode
  • Chinese translation
  • Japanese translation

Version 4.22  (2024-07-15)

  • Remembering sidebar width in FastReport
  • Save edited print sets in FastReport

Version 4.21  (2024-07-11)

  • Print set "Price list" (Warehouse)
  • Print set "Labels (DYMO Printer 57x32 mm)" (Warehouse)
  • Print Set "Labels (AVERY 3422 - 70x35 mm)" (Warehouse)
  • Print set "Complete inventory (including zero stock)" (Warehouse)
  • Possibility to enter individual extension/enlargement for each layer of the part
  • Check of rotated variants of usable cut-offs in the calculation of the cutting plan for material without grain
  • Optional deletion of the production batch after all parts have been removed
  • Price list extension (individual discounts for Sets)
  • Possibility of multiple discounts (for Set and its items)
  • List prices in Warehouse (according to the selected price list and currency)
  • Possibility to individually CNC saw settings for selected calculation parameters
  • Export for Biesse CNC saws - 6 user data added
  • Export for Biesse CNC saws - reverse order of cuts when cutting a board
  • Export of labels for HolzHer, Schelling CNC saws (*.CPOUT)
  • Import of other parts into the Offer/Job (if only the material name is in the import file)
  • Hide profit and stock prices for users who do not have this permission
  • Recalculation of set prices in the document according to the selected price list
  • Export for Nimac and Rema CNC saws - edging strips of parts
  • Other minor repairs and adjustments

Version 4.20  (2024-01-01)

Note: version 4.20 modifies the structure of the database. The adjustment is made automatically when this version is first started, but before that the program prompts you to make a mandatory backup of the database. If you use the program "on the network", you can only make the backup on the computer where the database is physically located. So run the newer version first on the server and log in to the database as "local". After updating the database, you can connect to it even from client computers.
If you are using Cutting Assistant or Edging Assistant, you need to download and install their latest versions as well.

  • Additional module "Extended parameters" is automatically included in the Professional edition from this version
  • Additional module "Part group editor" is automatically included in the Workman and Professional editions from this version
  • Total production time in the Offer, Job and Production batch
  • Import and export of individual part extension/expansion
  • Export of offcuts of the current sheet
  • Adjustable font color for each product parameter
  • Individual setting of the Documents table for each type of document
  • Export for Fimal/Paoloni CNC saws - external label name optionally loaded from Data1 item
  • Option to enlarge the program (zoom) up to 300%
  • Cutting plans for coil materials (pictures too small in case of large end cut)
  • Issuance of material in the Production batch
  • Export for CNC saws (different trims for offcuts)
  • Database upgrade
  • Other minor repairs and adjustments

Version 4.19  (2023-10-27)

  • Dispatch - parts that should not be packed are shown in gray
  • Stock position of newly created cuttings on print outputs
  • Print set "Label with barcode ZEBRA 76 x 51 mm"
  • Fixing of the error "Field not found" (appeared when starting the program on some computers)
  • Data export/printing of ALL cutting plans in the Offer/Production Batch
  • Dispatch - sorting of parts
  • Other minor repairs and adjustments

Version 4.18  (2023-09-19)

  • Print set "Label 60 x 40 mm (numbered pieces)"
  • Export of rotated parts for CNC Biesse saws

Version 4.17  (2023-08-31)

Note:  if you are using the Cutting Assistant, please download its latest version 1.10 and resubmit the production batches in the new version of Optimik.

  • Calculation of Job prices according to "connected" Production batches and their overview in the Summary
  • Identification of fixed/calculated prices of Offers and Jobs (icon in the table and in the title)
  • Possibility of determining the order of gluing of edging tapes (for Edging Assistant)
  • Possibility of importing edging tape to the part by combining the data "name and tape thickness"
  • Option "Overwrite existing images" in the data import template
  • Possibility to enter an individual "excess" for each layer of the part
  • Program acceleration when working with a larger database
  • Templates for importing parts from the Autoclosets
  • Templates for importing parts from the Autokitchen
  • Templates for importing parts from the CORPUS 5 program
  • Templates for importing parts from the DAEX program
  • Templates for importing parts from the SolidWorks program
  • Templates for exporting parts for WebCut (JazfHolz)
  • Templates for exporting parts for Démos
  • Print sets "Prices" and "Costs" in the Summary of the Offer/Job
  • Print set "Material list" in the Summary of the Offer/Job and the Production batch
  • Print set "List of materials and formats" printout in the Summary of the Offer and the Production batch
  • Displaying the description of the part and notes on the operation in the Summary, in Production and in the Catalog
  • Possibility to set individual trim cuts for entire formats and offcuts in the Cutting plan
  • Optional multiplication of the length and number of cuts for simultaneously cut boards (please adjust the settings of your Parameters for the calculation of cutting plans)
  • Print set "Cutting plan with statistics" with tabular list of parts
  • Print set "Combined parts list (by final dimension)"
  • Print set "Small accessories" (Expedition)
  • Creation of a document from the Offer/Job only for the material (without operations)
  • Possibility to enter a negative amount received and thus also record "received credit notes"
  • Recalculation of prices of document items after changing the Price List
  • [Export for CNC saws]: new export type for Macmazza saws
  • Unlimited number of operations in Workman version
  • Templates for importing parts from the Cabinet Vision program
  • Templates for importing parts from the PRO100 program (dot as decimal place separator)
  • Adjusted print sets in Summary and Production batch
  • Calculation of the cutting plan only for parts merged into a group due to the drawing
  • Total number of offcuts in the TotalOffcutCount item (PlanLabel table)
  • Print set "Label with part image" - texture of rotated parts
  • Total estimated time of the operation in the WorkTime item (Work table)
  • Import/export of business partners (documents without VAT, individual VAT rate)
  • Import of parts (if the product code was entered without its name, the program created duplicate products)
  • Recalculation of a stock item after clearing its inventory
  • Incomplete final text on some printed documents
  • Negative quantities when copying a document (return to warehouse - Credit)
  • Cloning (duplication) of business partner data
  • Currency editing (negative sum shape)
  • Recalculation of set prices in case of mass price changes in the Warehouse
  • [Cutting Plan Editor]: deleting parts that completely fill a section
  • [Export for CNC saws]: cutting plans with specified excess (enlargement) for all parts
  • Other minor repairs and adjustments

Version 4.16  (2023-01-09)

  • Full-text search in Offers/Jobs
  • Customer data in the Production Batch (if there are parts from only one Job)
  • Warning about uncalculated cutting plan before creating a document from the Offer/Job
  • New functions for rounding in formulas (RoundBase, CeilBase)
  • Trigonometric functions in formulas (Sin, Cos, Tan, ArcSin, ArcCos, ArcTan)
  • Template for importing parts from the KD Max 6.1 (
  • Template for importing parts from the Cabinet Vision(
  • Checkings of groups of parts merged because a coherent grain (exclusion of parts with zero quantity or dimension)
  • Possibility to edit the production batch number
  • Option to select a service from the Warehouse to the Billings item in the Offer/Job
  • Export for CNC saws REMA (
  • Possibility to change the drive in the path to the image file (when exporting for CNC saws)
  • Possibility to export offcut as part (for CNC saws SCM, formats * .001 and * .XPRG)
  • Export of part description for Etalon CNC saws
  • Print unit prices with 3 and 4 decimal places in the document
  • Sorting of items even when editing a document
  • Filtering of unpaid documents
  • Possibility to change the main currency when transiting to a new database
  • Turkey translation (thanks to Mustafa Yiğit)
  • [Cutting Assistant]: printset "Label with part image"
  • Deletion of production status information from parts when copying an order
  • Copy of standard formats and usable offcuts when duplicating calculation parameters
  • Issue of material for the production batch in case of several simultaneously logged users
  • Creating a document from an Offer/Job (adding items to an existing document)
  • Saving of a part with a dependent parameter with zero quantity
  • Display of parts and their operations with zero quantity
  • Copying the Product from the Catalog to the Offer/Job in the new database
  • Recalculation of document prices after deleting an item
  • Setting the initial data when creating a document by copying it from another document
  • Check for possible duplication of the document number when copying it
  • Checking of negative inventory balances
  • Modified window for editing the import/export template
  • Import of multiple documents with items from one file
  • Automatic file name generation for some export templates
  • Export for CNC saws Holzma and SCM (PTX format) - information about the grain in the PARTS_REQ section
  • Export for CNC saws Felder (older MAY format) - information about edging strips
  • Export for CNC saws Masterwood/KDT - export of labels for parts from simultaneously cut sheets
  • [Group Editor]: changed the order of parts of individual products in the cutting plan
  • [Automatic mode]: no more error messages are displayed (all are written only to the log file)
  • Search in the "Business partners" window
  • Translation of texts in the "Filter" window
  • Chart of income and expenses in the Payments
  • Deletion of the payment prescription
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.15  (2022-04-22)

  • Faster calculation of the cutting plan
  • Acceleration of the program when working with a larger database
  • Acceleration of recalculation of the products, offers and orders
  • Acceleration of recalculation of the cutting plans
  • Parameter "Simpler plans" (for faster cutting even at the cost of possible worse use of material)
  • Print set "Cutting plan with statistics" for bar materials
  • Extended export of the cutting plan to a CSV file (version Professional)
  • Optional later recalculation of the offer/job
  • Quick display of product description
  • Adjustable sorting of Products in the Offer/Job
  • Quick change of the "Print" option in the product parameters
  • Selection of products for mass change of operation/material in Summary
  • Data of uncalculated plans shown in gray (in Summary and Production Batches)
  • New optional fields for CNC export - ProductID and PartID
  • Export for CNC cutting machines SCM (PTX format) with optional increasing of trimming about kerf
  • Export for CNC cutting machines (DXF format)
  • Import text files with LF-separated rows (UNIX format)
  • Import text files with tab-separated data
  • Predefined export file name in the template
  • Ability to import some fields of an existing stock item or inventory
  • Automatic offer to create inventory for a new stock item
  • [Cutting plan editor]: display the dimensions of "empty" sections
  • Mass reduction of sales prices in the warehouse
  • Indication of reserved items in the warehouse
  • Indication of missing stock in the warehouse
  • Business partner bank code
  • Possibility to enter the due date of the document by the number of days
  • Import of the document
  • Remember the last logged user
  • Calculation of product parameters (if a length unit other than mm is set)
  • Enter the production batch number when creating it
  • Export for CNC cutting machines SCM and Holzma (PTX format) - cutting plan with cleaning cuts
  • Export for CNC cutting machines SCM and Holzma (PTX format) - cutting plan with enlarged parts (trimming addition)
  • Mass calculation of cutting plans
  • Cutting length and number of cuts for more sheets cutted together
  • [Cutting plan editor]: cutting plan with cleaning cuts
  • [Cutting plan editor]: adding of alone rotated cut to a free section
  • [Cutting Assistant]: display on a lower resolution monitor
  • Sending data to Cutting Assistant
  • Issue/booking of additional material (assigned to the operation) in the production batch
  • Profit calculation for documents with sub-items
  • Narrower document editing window (for better display on lower resolution monitors)
  • Document import
  • Generating a variable symbol in a document
  • Individual due date of document (depending on the selected business partner)
  • Deleting a document with at least one set
  • Price calculation of the sets in Warehouse
  • Filtering stock items by inventory
  • Copy of data from another database (inventory with duplicate code)
  • Automatic backup at program termination
  • Transition to a new database
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.14  (2021-08-18)

  • Edit product parameters
  • View a split cutting plan
  • Print set "Payments"
  • Croatian translation 

Version 4.13  (2021-08-03)

  • CEILBASE function in formulas (for rounding the decimal number to the nearest greater multiple)
  • Searching of text in stock items, stocks, business partners and documents
  • Copying a product to another product in the Catalog
  • Right-click group selection (groups of addresses, stock items, products and parameters)
  • Adjustable data loading delay (acceleration of the program with a larger number of data)
  • Adjustable number of cut levels in the parameters of the calculation of cutting plans
  • Optional use of "standard format" only for the current cutting plan
  • Weight of parts and usable offcuts in the statistics of the cutting plan
  • Print set "Material for cutting plans"
  • Print set "Label with part image"
  • Possibility to send to production only parts with selected operation/material
  • Overview of production records for the entire production batch
  • Automatic removal of parts (with zero dimensions or number of pieces) from packages in Job
  • Automatic deletion of empty packages
  • Checking the packaging of all parts in the Job
  • Breakdown of operations by categories in the final statement of Offer/Job
  • Custom calculation price for the stock item and its inventory
  • Template for import from INBOX program
  • Import/export of basic and additional operations for panel and bar parts
  • Optional printing of individual product parameters
  • [Extended parameters]: new parameter type "Operation and material depending on the calculated value"
  • [Cutting plan Editor]: optional merging of unsaved parts with the same size and grain
  • Export of labels for the newer model saw Concept 350 PLUS (Fimal / Paoloni)
  • Display of the individual VAT rate (for the given business partner) when editing the document
  • Enlarge windows for parameter editing
  • "Do not pack" option for product parts
  • Italian and Croatian translation
  • Sending data for the Cutting Assistant (individual images of parts, omission of external operations)
  • Sales price of usable offcuts returned to the warehouse
  • More accurate calculation of weights in the cutting plan
  • Quick material selection for product parameter
  • Export of rotated parts for Biesse CNC saw
  • Export of more complicated cutting plans for CNC saws Fimal/Paoloni (PRG format)
  • Filter receipts, expenses and reservations in the warehouse by date
  • [Cutting plan editor]: add a new sheet
  • Export data according to a template in which some fields are omitted
  • Recalculation of automatic accessories when importing parts
  • Occasional incorrect program termination
  • Copying a catalog from another database
  • Transition to a new database
  • Accelerated loading of Documents
  • Database update to version 414
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.12  (2021-03-24)

WARNING: if you also use a Firebird server, download and install the newer version 3.0.7. If you install it in another folder (or change the password), you will need to reconfigure it. See the quick start guide for more information. 

  • Automatic even revaluation and locking of prices of all products in the Offer/Job (to achieve the required fixed final price)
  • List of linked Offers/Jobs/Documents in Offers and Jobs (with the possibility of quick jump to the linked record)
  • Optionally read the storage position of newly created offcuts from the initial material (format)
  • Quick search in all tables (if the table is sorted by text column)
  • Checking CapsLock on entering the password in the login window
  • Import/export product data directly from/to the part information line (new ProductCode, ProductName and ProductCount items)
  • Template for import from KD Max 6
  • Optional display of information about creating/editing the current record (panel at the bottom of the main window)
  • Optional printing of user name, date and time (on all print reports, bottom down)
  • Optional locking of selected parameters for the calculation of the cutting plan
  • Print set "Merged parts list" (parts of the cutting plan grouped by size)
  • [Cutting plan editor]: possibility to enter the coordinates of a new cut directly
  • [Cutting plan editor]: automatically add a trimming on manual adding of first cut
  • Possibility to enter the weight of formats of paner/bar materials in stock for both units of measure (pcs and m2/m)
  • 2 optional export items for Masterwood and KDT CNC saws (please check and, if necessary, edit the export template)
  • Quick display of the description in the Offers, Jobs, Billing, Parts, Document Items, Warehouse and Operations tables 
  • Improved calculation to achieve as many simultaneously cut sheets/formats of material
  • Extended calculation - the calculation time of some plans can be longer, but the usage of material can be improved
  • Optional rotation of parts in the cutting plan in the cutting direction (to achieve the narrowest possible strips)
  • Possibility to predefine calculation parameters directly in the stock item
  • Possibility to include in the price of the cutting plan also a flat fee for cutting 1 sheet/format
  • Display of costs in the Offer, Job and Production batch
  • Specify an oriented grain for panel material created manually during import
  • Adjustable operation for each stock item (will be automatically assigned when importing a part)
  • Accelerate scrolling in tables (visible mainly with a large amount of data)
  • Quick jump from Job to Production batch (by double-clicking in the Production batch column in the Parts table)
  • Automatic recalculation of stock items after copying them from another database
  • Print set "1 label per part" for sheet cutting plans
  • Print set "Extended statistics" for sheet cutting plans
  • Export print reports to XLSX file (Microsoft Excel 2007 XML)
  • Optional display of the value and total weight of the item in the Warehouse
  • Import date, number and deadline for Offer/Job
  • Import new inventory for an existing stock item
  • Individual VAT rate for a business partner
  • Predefined part groups (merged for use) before starting the calculation
  • Disabled checking of the zero quantity of accessories in the part (if the quantity is entered by the formula)
  • No package will be created for accessories with zero quantity (Job/Dispatch)
  • Export of cutting plans with parts merged into groups (for the coherent grain) for CNC saws
  • Calculation of cutting plan only for parts merged into groups
  • Numbering of offcuts in the cutting plan (if material from different sources is used)
  • Calculation of the weight of the material in the cutting plan
  • Statistics of cutting plans
  • Price list of the predefined business partner in the new document
  • Import of parts without type (type is automatically set according to the type of their material/stock item)
  • Import/export inventory sales prices
  • Save template for import/export
  • Export weight (only number without unit)
  • Enter the price for stock
  • Display a notification (if specified) when selecting a stock item and business partner
  • [Cutting assistant] - occasionally not all sheets/formats are displayed in larger cutting plans
  • New version of Firebird 3.0.7
  • Lot of other minor repairs and modifications 

Version 4.11  (2020-11-27)

  • Alignment of parts in the cutting plan (first parts identical to the strip, then descending)
  • Method of cutting material "Longitudinal or cross cuts"
  • Optional centering of narrow strips (for tension compensation)
  • Print set "Labels AVERY 3665 (A4) 105 x 33.8 mm" for cutting plans
  • Display the name of the linked parameter/part when deleting a parameter (if this parameter cannot be deleted)
  • Export name of external images with label for Paoloni CNC saws (TXT format)
  • Adjustable saw overlap over the material for Paoloni CNC saws (PRG format)
  • Possibility to adjust the border of the windows (extended / shadow only)
  • Cutting plan export (including parts list)
  • Cutting plan editor - part deletion, serial numbers of cuts
  • Print packages in the job, list of documents and payments
  • Copy of the product from the offer/job to the product catalog (duplicate parts)
  • Checking on deleting product parameters
  • Remember the size of the print sets list window
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.10  (2020-10-30)

  • Copy of the product from the Offer/Job to the Catalog
  • Thickness in the parts table (in the Offer, Jab and Catalog)
  • List of edging strips in the "Cutting plan with statistics" print set
  • Print set in Stock - "Complete inventory (weight)"
  • Error on updating table changed by another (currently logged in) user
  • Templates for importing parts from Blum Dynaplan, Hettich Selection, KD Max and KitchenDraw
  • Print document item descriptions (all 4 print reports)
  • Calculation of cutting plans for bar materials
  • Display of a group of offers/jobs after its import
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.09  (2020-10-15)

  • Opening of the cutting plan editor
  • Export of the cutting plans with groups of parts (merged for grain)

Version 4.08  (2020-10-15)

  • Splitting of products (by name of the Assembly) into categories in the document created from the offer/job
  • New parameter in the parts filter - "Only real parts" (parts with non-zero number of pieces and dimensions)
  • Duplicate automatic accessories
  • Optimization algorithm
  • Copy of other items from the "Final settlement" table when copying the offer/job

Version 4.07  (2020-10-08)

  • Buttons in Stock
  • Printset "Cutting plan with statistics"
  • Optimization algorithm
  • Formatting of prices in the "Final settlement" table
  • Running the program in Hungarian or Serbian Windows

Version 4.06  (2020-10-06)

  • 30 adjustable additional data in the offer/job
  • Possibility to enter an seller in the offer/job
  • "Final settlement" table in the offer/job
  • Quick selection of edging tape for the part (according to the decor)
  • Ability to delete an empty production batch, regardless of its number
  • Display of the product code in the table Products of offer/job
  • Check whether all necessary parts are in the production batch (merged into groups for drawing)
  • Code, length and width of the sheet/format added to the printing/export of labels for the cutting plan
  • Optional trimming of too long texts during import (without error message)
  • Automatic discount for new document items (according to business partner)
  • Informative display of the calculation price when editing a stock item
  • Import of parts - if there is no information about the drawing in the file, the imported parts will have it automatically turned on
  • Print the correct color of the edging tape on the cutted corner of the part (CornColorXX items changed to EdgeColorXX)
  • Printing of values ​​of calculated product parameters
  • Calculation of the offer/job, if it contains a part with zero quantity or size (exclusion of all its operations and materials from the calculation)
  • Filter offers and jobs by specification
  • Import of multiline texts (lines separated only by LF - LineFeed)
  • [Cutting plan editor]: inserting parts that fill the free space almost exactly (checkable cut)
  • Export for CNC saw Biesse and Paoloni (TXT) - pictures of labels
  • Export for CNC saws SCM (format 001, XPRG) - ban on end "virtual" cuts
  • Modified window for editing a stock item
  • Modified window with program settings
  • Database with sample data stored in the folder CommonDocuments
  • Deactivation of the expired Trial license
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.05  (2020-08-24)

  • Possibility of partial editing of used formats
  • Multistage calculation of dimension in Product Parameters
  • Export for Biesse CNC cutting machines
  • [Cutting plan editor]: create or delete individual cuts
  • [Cutting plan editor]: check max. cut levels for the selected CNC cutting machines
  • [Cutting Assistant 1.03]: print of labels

Version 4.04  (2020-08-11)

  • Cutting Assistant 1.02 (download)
  • More efficient cutting plans (cutted by lengthwise or widthwise)
  • Check for possible cross-references in the formulas of the calculated parameters
  • Speed up the start of the calculation of the cutting plan or its cancellation
  • Speed up the display of groups, unsaved parts or the Cutting Plan Editor
  • Speed up of sending parts to production or returning them from production
  • Custom image of the part
  • FLOORTO and CEILTO functions to find the next smaller / larger number from the list
  • Cutting parameters: possibility to assign the standard format only to the current material
  • Cutting parameters: possibility of bulk marking / unmarking of all stock formats
  • Export for HolzHer and Schelling CNC saws (CPOUT format)
  • Export for FELDER CNC saws (MAY format for new software PC7000)
  • Return of the usable offcuts from the production batch to the warehouse (kerf and grouping of the equal offcuts)
  • Check for new versions without suspending the program (if no internet connection is available)
  • Calculation of the cutting plan for bar parts shorter than the width of the material
  • Completion of the calculation of the cutting plan, if any of the boards is used on 100%
  • Possibility to use a parameter of type "Calculated count" in the formula
  • Conversion of serial numbers of parts in the Production batch after returning one or more parts to the Job
  • Display the business partner and specifications when copying the Offer to the Job
  • AccessViolation error when importing with ignoring leading apostrophe enabled
  • Import multiline texts
  • Import addresses with missing state
  • Export data to an existing file that is currently open by another application
  • Deleting cities and states
  • Possibility to move the city to another state
  • Save prepared print reports to a *.fp3 file
  • User permissions
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.03  (2020-07-03)

  • Check for new versions
  • Clone with keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Ins and Ctrl + "+"
  • Display of the editing window when cloning products and parts
  • Print set for expedition - "Labels 94x64 mm"
  • Checking of the length of individual imported data
  • Items for CNC export - PlanID_Name and PlanID_Customer
  • Delete a stock group, including all its items and storages
  • Automatic recalculation of the price and weight of the stock format when changing its dimensions
  • Optional ignoring the apostrophe at the beginning of the imported data
  • Editing the name of the document type (even if documents of the given type already exist)
  • Calculation of a cutting plan for a group of parts grouped for grain
  • Print the due date on a new type of document
  • Creation of a new stock item when importing parts into the network database
  • Import stock items
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.02  (2020-06-19)

  • Optional parameter "Gap between strips" for calculation of cutting plans
  • Control and adjustment of units of measure when importing stock items and operations 
  • Print set "Material list" in the summary of the Offer/Job
  • Export for BIESSE CNC saws
  • Display of bar parts (in the cutting plan and in the pictures)
  • Update material and operations in parts after changing the value of a selected parameter
  • Error after importing stock items
  • Update tables after aborted import

Version 4.01  (2020-06-12)

  • Select a stock item for a set in a separate window
  • Copy of the description when creating the document from the Offer/Job
  • Missing parentheses in formulas (parts of catalog transferred from version 3)
  • Unit of measure in a new operation
  • Algorithm modification (faster calculation in some cases)
  • Redrawing of part's images after mass change of material
  • Deleting a business partner (if it has already been assigned to an Offer/Job)
  • Memorization and setting of the current production batch
  • Other minor repairs and modifications

Version 4.00  (2020-05-31)

  • First final version
Author of the program

© Rastislav Korytár
info (&)